Each employee received a like bonus. 每个雇员都得到了相同数目的奖金。
Thresholds are used in compensation programs as hurdles that must be met before an employee is eligible for a bonus. 在薪酬方案中,阈值是指员工必须满足一定的基本要求,之后才有资格获得奖金。
This stored procedure accepts two input parameters, the employee number and a rating, then updates the employee's salary and bonus depending on the rating given. 该存储过程接受两个输入参数,即雇员号和一个评分,然后根据给定的评分更新该雇员的工资和奖金。
The company might require that an employee's salary and bonus be marked as sensitive data that can be viewed only by certain staff members. 他们可能要求将雇员的薪水和奖金标记为敏感数据,只有某些职员可以查看。
Company leaders are so committed to employee fun and satisfaction that when the company was sold to Amazon recently, the CEO gave each employee a Kindle and bonus. 公司领导者一直非常看重员工的满意度和幸福感。最近,在公司被出售给亚马逊时,CEO给每位员工派发了一个Kindle阅读器和一份奖金。
We offer to every employee an excellent compensation and benefit package including salary, bonus and stock options. 我们为每位员工提供优厚福利待遇。
Every full-time employee at VDS receives a base salary, a commission, and an annual bonus. VDS的每一个全职员工都有基本工资、提成和年度奖金。
Set performance levels that require the employee to improve on average past performance but retain the flexibility to adjust the bonus based on actual performance. 设定的绩效水平要求雇员在过往平均绩效基础上有提高,但留有按实际绩效调整奖金的灵活性。
The friendliest employee gets a$ 20 bonus. 最友善的员工有20元奖金。
Accounting Research on the Employee Stock Bonus and Option 员工分红配股与认股选择权之会计处理研究
We first form an employee bonus expectation model by the previous bonus data and examine market reactions to unexpected employee bonuses by event study. 本文首先利用过去年度的员工分红资料来建立分红预期模型,并用事件研究法来讨论股价对未预期分红之反应;
Daimler last month set up a working group to examine whether an employee profit bonus should be converted into a capital stake in the company to help reduce costs. 戴姆勒(Daimler)于4月成立了一个工作小组,审核各位员工的利得奖金是否该被转换为企业的资本股权,以帮助降低成本。
Make sure the terms deal with what happens to bonuses if the employee is on notice or is not in employment on the bonus payment date. 确保合同条款涉及雇员在即将离职期间,或在奖金发放日已不是雇员的情况下奖金将如何处理的条款。
Employee's Compensation Incentive in the Future: Combination of Stock Option Plan and Employee Profit Sharing& Stock Bonus 未来薪酬激励:股票期权与分红配股并行
In June 2000, Taiwan Ministry of Finance proposed to tax the employee stock bonus by its market value, which evoked extensive discussions. 而台湾财政部于2000年6月提出员工分红配股按实价课税的构想,亦引起各界广泛的讨论。
This research paper is focused on "employee stock bonus" and "employee stock option" accounting studies. 本研究即针对员工分红配股与员工认股选择权的会计处理问题加以探讨,期能提出意见供有关单位参考。
The compensation system is based on bank employee contribution, the responsibility of post, determine the compensation plan, specific includes basic wage, salary, bonus, equity performance plans and benefits. 该薪酬体系是根据银行员工的岗位、贡献、责任等确定薪酬方案的。具体构成包括基本工资、绩效工资、奖金、股权计划和福利等。